
Vincent Kompany discusses Burnley’s long-term plan and makes honest admission that led to torrid Premier League campaign

The Clarets have had a tough debut season back in the Premier League, only gaining 13 points from 27 matches, which places them 11 points behind the safety zone. It seems highly likely that they will be relegated back to the Championship. However, even with the poor performance of the team, Kompany’s position seems secure for now.

The Clarets manager mentioned that the club’s decision to adopt a long-term perspective has created a sense of calmness. He stated, “The long-term perspective will be addressed in the summer during discussions about all of this.

Right now, my focus is solely on the short-term, specifically the upcoming West Ham game.” Looking ahead, after thorough discussions on how to navigate the season and shape the club’s future, it becomes easier to concentrate on the responsibilities at hand.

“I have always maintained a singular focus on winning the next match and ensuring a vibrant atmosphere in this place.

“We have effectively steered clear of tumultuous situations despite the challenges this season. The environment remains serene.

“We are open to receiving external opinions and are willing to address them openly. However, I believe that trust is established through remaining composed and consistent.” Kompany acknowledges that there will come a time to evaluate any shortcomings during this season, but that time is not now.

“That’s a valid question, but it will be more pertinent in a few months once the season concludes,” he remarked.

“As the manager, I bear ultimate responsibility and accountability, but it’s premature to be too critical of ourselves when there are still many variables at play.

“The season may yet turn out to be one of our finest moments, so no definitive judgments should be made now. When summer arrives, we will conduct a comprehensive and honest evaluation of our successes and areas for improvement.”

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