
JUST IN: Adam Schefter Says Character Concerns Were Not The Biggest Reason For Spencer Rattler’s NFL Draft Slide

The Fall of Spencer Rattler

South Carolina quarterback Spencer Rattler’s NFL Draft journey was marked by a significant slide, falling to the fifth round of the selection process. Despite his talent, Rattler was eventually picked up by the New Orleans Saints on the final day of the draft.

The Character Concerns Narrative

The narrative that developed around Rattler’s draft slide centered on character concerns, with NFL teams reportedly hesitant due to his past. As a high schooler, Rattler starred in Netflix’s QB1: Beyond the Lights, which may have contributed to a negative view of his leadership and attitude. This perception only intensified during his time at Oklahoma, where he struggled to handle his midseason benching with grace.

The Redemption Tour

However, Rattler’s story took a turn for the better after he transferred to South Carolina. He embarked on a redemption tour of sorts, demonstrating a newfound maturity and earning the respect of his teammates. He was twice voted team captain, a testament to his leadership and character growth.

Overcoming Adversity

Despite facing adversity, including a leaky offensive line that failed to provide him with the protection he needed to excel, Rattler remained positive and focused. This visible attitude adjustment was a significant departure from his past, and it was hoped that it would change the outside perception of him.

Despite the visible signs of maturity and growth, the outside perception of Rattler did not seem to change. The character concerns that had developed around him during his time at Oklahoma and early in his college career persisted, leading to his slide in the draft.

The New Orleans Saints’ decision to select Rattler in the fifth round of the draft may be seen as an opportunity for him to prove himself and silence his critics. With a fresh start in a new environment, Rattler has the chance to demonstrate his growth and maturity, and potentially rewrite his narrative in the NFL.

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