
Gayle Benson gifts custom Saints jersey to Pope Francis

In Vatican City, team owner Gayle Benson gifted Pope Francis a personalized New Orleans Saints jersey during a recent meeting, as reported by the team. The white away jersey featured the name “Papa Francesco” and the number 1 on the back.

The exact date of the audience with the Pope was not disclosed by the team. However, a spokesperson mentioned that Benson engaged with Pope Francis and members of the Papal Foundation during a 10-day visit to Italy, Vatican City, and Germany, where she discussed her plans for investing in New Orleans and renovating the historic St. Louis Cathedral.

During her time in Rome, Benson engaged with Italian officials focused on economic growth and tourism, advocating for business expansion in Louisiana and New Orleans.

In a statement from Stuttgart, Benson expressed satisfaction with her trip, emphasizing the productive discussions surrounding investment opportunities and tourism promotion for Louisiana. She highlighted the eagerness of individuals in Rome to support the restoration of the St. Louis Cathedral.

Reflecting on her interactions in Germany, Benson noted a strong interest in investment and business collaborations with Louisiana. She also highlighted the popularity of NFL football in Germany as a positive factor. Leveraging this unique opportunity, she aimed to showcase the state’s potential for economic development, encourage business partnerships, and bolster the tourism sector in Louisiana and New Orleans.


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