
Coach Jacques Martin ‘confused’ by ups and downs of the Ottawa Senators – Find out why!

Jacques Martin expressed being ‘perplexed’ by the recent events with the Ottawa Senators. Consequently, he decided to cancel the scheduled practice and replaced it with off-ice workouts while also organizing a team meeting. The decision came after a disappointing 6-0 loss to the Florida Panthers which left the players feeling embarrassed.

Martin highlighted his confusion over the team’s inconsistency, noting how they can play excellently for several games only to suddenly underperform.

Seeking insights and feedback from the players, he aimed to understand their current mindset and emotions to address the performance issues. As the season nears its end, Martin emphasized the importance of preparing for the remaining games and finding solutions to their ups and downs.

The team’s recent setbacks have been described as ’embarrassing’ by players like Brady Tkachuk and Jake Sanderson. The recurring theme of embarrassing losses has taken its toll on the team and fan base throughout the season.

Despite occasional strong performances, such as the previous victory over the New Jersey Devils, the Senators have struggled to maintain consistency.

Looking ahead to the next game against the Devils, Martin is seeking a resilient and determined response from his team following the disappointing loss. The team’s ability to bounce back from setbacks and deliver a strong performance remains a question mark as the season approaches its conclusion.


Thomas Chabot is aiming to make a comeback to Ottawa’s roster by Saturday. The has been absent for 31 games this season due to various injuries, including his hand and a recent lower-body injury.

Expressing optimism, Chabot mentioned, “I’ve been skating lately, and I’m feeling positive about my progress.” Despite the of being in and out of the lineup, he’s eager to return to action.

Acknowledging the of and being separated from the team, Chabot the of watching games from the press box instead of being on the ice. Reflecting on a recent tough match against a top-tier team, he the of moving forward and focusing on the upcoming games.

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