Caught on Camera: “Huge Boost” as VCU’s Surveillance System Changes Campus Safety

How VCU’s 1,800+ Security Cameras Enhance Campus Safety

The extensive camera system at VCU has been crucial in both crime prevention and resolution, operating under a policy that emphasizes privacy and confidentiality.

In October 2023, a series of thefts occurred across Virginia Commonwealth University’s Monroe Park Campus. VCU Police detectives reviewed hours of security footage, swiftly identifying the suspect and linking them to multiple theft incidents.

“The suspect was successfully identified, several warrants were issued, and they were convicted on all related charges,” stated Detective Frederic Wiggins from the VCU Police. He also reminded the community to secure their belongings, especially bikes, using U-locks to deter theft.

This theft case was one of 541 instances during the 2023-24 academic year where VCU’s network of over 1,800 cameras across campuses and satellite locations aided police investigations, providing crucial photographic or video evidence in various cases, including assaults, property crimes, vehicle accidents, and missing persons.

“Cameras offer a comprehensive view of campus activities,” explained Lee Olds, interim deputy chief of VCU Police. “They enable officers to conduct investigations more swiftly and effectively than would be possible without them.”

A survey conducted in spring 2024 revealed that 92% of VCU students, faculty, and staff felt “safe” or “very safe” on campus. Olds noted that the camera system significantly contributes to this sense of security.

“The aim of the system is to ensure the utmost safety for everyone in our community,” he added. “Without a strong camera system, our crime investigation success would be greatly diminished.”

The cameras also help law enforcement address various issues and monitor events more comprehensively than relying solely on officer reports. They provide other entities at VCU, like Residential Life & Housing and VCU Athletics, the capability to observe real-time occurrences in their areas.

According to Olds, the cameras are strategically positioned to monitor the busiest areas of VCU’s campuses.

“Virtually no spot on the MP or MCV campus goes unmonitored,” he stated. “The intention of the camera system is to capture individuals involved in crimes, whether entering or leaving the scene.”

Privacy and Confidentiality

The camera system operates passively, meaning video feeds are not monitored continuously. While live monitoring is possible, officers primarily access footage from specific locations when a crime or incident is reported.

This system is regulated by VCU’s Campus Security Camera System policy, initially adopted in 2015, which asserts:

“VCU is dedicated to improving campus life by integrating safety and security best practices with technology. A vital part of a comprehensive security strategy is the use of a campus security camera system. Surveillance of public areas aims to deter crime and safeguard the VCU community’s safety and property. This policy addresses the university’s safety needs while upholding individual privacy.”

The policy details VCU Police’s practices to protect privacy and confidentiality. Video is stored for about seven days and is only archived if linked to a criminal investigation or court case.


VCU has designated specific pathways on its campuses as RAMSWay routes, which connect academic buildings, gyms, libraries, medical facilities, residence halls, and bus stops.

These routes feature signs stating: “This path is patrolled by VCU Police. 828-1234. SMILE! YOU MAY BE ON CAMERA!” The aim is to enhance personal safety practices and VCU’s safety initiatives by directing community members along shared routes to foster a secure environment.

These pathways benefit from a heightened police presence, adequate lighting, emergency reporting phones, and extensive surveillance camera coverage.

Parking Deck Security

In recent years, VCU has made substantial improvements to security in its parking facilities, especially in VCU and VCU Health locations, including the addition of security cameras and LED lighting.

From 2020 to 2023, the number of cameras in VCU Parking facilities surged from just over 100 to 651, according to Josh Stone, executive director of VCU Parking and Transportation. Additionally, all lighting in the parking decks is being upgraded to LED.

“Ensuring safety in VCU’s parking facilities is a top priority,” Stone remarked. “We need to guarantee that faculty, staff, students, and visitors can park safely and conduct their activities at VCU with peace of mind.”

“Enhancing our camera and lighting systems was a logical choice for safety and operational efficiency, as it greatly improves visibility for both pedestrians and vehicles,” he continued. “These upgrades support the university’s goal of fostering a safe and conducive environment for learning.”

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